Vitamin A, C, D, and zinc are the 4 key nutrients that can enhance healing and improve outcomes from respiratory viral infections. Here is a breakdown of each and how they can support your immune system:

  • Vitamin A: Supports respiratory tissues and has been shown to reduce mortality and morbidity in viral infections. Increase beta-carotene intake through foods like carrots and sweet potatoes. For personalized guidance on the best form and dose, speak with your practitioner.
  • Vitamin C: A well-known antioxidant, over 60,000 published studies support its immune benefits. For general support, 1-2 g twice a day is suggested. Higher doses are available through IV Vitamin C therapy at Via Natural Medicine. Consult with your practitioner for the best options for you.
  • Vitamin D: As autumn arrives and sunlight exposure decreases, Vitamin D levels tend to drop, increasing susceptibility to respiratory illnesses. Optimal levels are 40-80 ng/ml. Consider getting your levels checked through a blood test and discuss supplementation with your practitioner.
  • Zinc: Adequate zinc levels are key to inhibiting respiratory viruses, and the most effective form is an amino acid chelate. Food sources include shellfish, seeds, and nuts. Your practitioner can help determine if supplementation is needed and guide you to the best form and dosage.

Note: Vitamin therapy and supplementation should be done with the guidance of a qualified naturopathic or homeopathic doctor. Book an appointment to discuss natural medicines, frequencies, and doses tailored to your individual needs.

Dr. Heather Cardona

Dr. Heather Cardona

Homeopathic Medicine, Natural Health Practitioner

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