Naturopathic medicine is preventative medicine through the use of a variety of evidence-based natural therapies. A Naturopathic doctor is medically trained, naturally focused, and regulated through the provincial association, Manitoba Naturopathic Association (, and the national association Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (

A visit to a Naturopathic doctor can be considered alongside or in place of any issue that would bring you to see your regular medical doctor. Naturopathic doctors are not covered by provincial healthcare but are covered through extended medical plans. During a first visit, your Naturopathic Doctor will review and examine all of your health concerns in detail to determine the root cause(s) of your complaints. Often lab tests are recommended and/or requested from your medical doctor. If necessary, your Naturopathic Doctor will send you to a lab for bloodwork if needed.

Dr. Dara Morden

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Dr. Jasmine Bhullar

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Dr. Jessica Beatty

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Via Natural Medicine

554 Des Meurons Street, Unit A
Winnipeg, MB
R2H 2P8


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